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Active lmplementotion Hub: Active Implementation Hub is a free, online learning environment for use by any interested party — practitioners, educators, coaches, trainers, purveyors — involved in the active implementation and scaling up of programs and innovations. The site goal is to increase the knowledge and improve the performance of persons engaged in actively implementing any program or practice.

Dissemintion & lmplementotion Models in Health: This interactive webtool is designed to help researchers and practitioners develop a ‘logic model’ or diagram for their research or practice question, select the dissemination and implementation (D&I) theories, models, and frameworks (TMFs) that best fit(s) their research question or practice problem, combine multiple D&I TMFs, adapt the D&I TMF(s) to the study or practice context, use the D&I TMF(s) throughout the research or practice process, and find existing assessments to measure the key constructs of the D&I TMF(s) selected.

Fogorty lnternational Centre, Resources for Implementation Science Researchers: A wide ranging collection of implementation science resources curated by the Fogorty International Centre. 

Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases, Implementation science training: This site offers free access to an implementation science e-hub and links to implementation science training and workshops.

lmplementotion Outcome Repository: Implementation outcome instrument repository, a free online resource for implementation stakeholders, including researchers and healthcare professionals, wishing to quantitatively measure implementation outcomes.

TDR: the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, implementation research training materials: TDR provides a continuum of training materials on implementation research, including resource toolkits and online training courses.

EPIS lmplementotion Fromework: The EPIS Framework highlights key phases that guide and describe the implementation process and enumerates common and unique factors within and across levels of outer context (system) and inner (organizational) context across phases, factors that bridge outer and inner context, and the nature of the innovation or practice being implemented and the role of innovation/practice developers.

CES Guide to Implementation Frameworks available at

King's lmprovement Science 2018. London: King's Health Partners: Implementation science research development (ImpRes) tool: A practical guide to using the ImpRes tool

Peters D, Tran N, Adam T,2013. lmplementation Research and Health: A Practical Guide. Geneva: Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research. Available at